Oh dear. It's not meant to do this. Rain for days? Apparently there's been a typhoon passng through the whole of the region and there's no-where in Oz that's good weather. So, its time for tourist visits and pubs!
Down to "The Rocks", one of the oldest inhabited places in town. Whilst the toffs built their houses at the top of the hill, the lower areas, crammed with housing and industry, became notorious for drunkenness, prostitutes and thieving. The Lanes were places not to traverse at night - the worst being 'Suez Canal' where pimps and street walkers plied their trade, rival gangs 'the Greens and the Oranges' battled and the water poured down in torrents with rain - and gave the wynd its nickname.
And near the Harbour Bridge, a sculpture dedicated to early inhabitants: Convicts, Soldiers and Free Settlers.
And obviously check out the local hostelries - an argument as to which is the oldest in Sydney was won by "The Fortunes of War" at the quayside, though a more couthie hotel up the hill, "The Lord Nelson" had to be sampled as well..
Photo in the background is "The Punch" from the movie "A Town Like Alice", filmed in the same spot. When asked to buy a round, that's what D did to me...