Messages from friends and relatives at home told us of the current cataclysm.
"Today will be terrible but don't worry it won't be as terrible as tomorrow or Sunday".
"“Hear th' wind wutherin' round the house. You could bare stand up on the moor if you was out on it tonight."
Oh dear. Nasty pics confirmed the fears
And then, you know what? It passed.And Sydney settled back to normal. We head out for our final night, first to Harbourside where it's Happy Hour Again. Couple of beers, then grab a cab aiming for quirky districts. Oxford Street, gay centre of the City and believe me, you could whip yourself into a frenzy over the number of fetish stores available. Then (in fact, quite by accident) into hipster Surry Hills. So I shaved my head and Diane sported a lumberjack shirt, top knot and beardo. Bar 302 definitely a thumbs up (and we're no longer on Oxford Street) for cocktails, great service, food and wine. A great finale to our week in Sydney. Land of the Long White Cloud here we come.