We were off to Queenstown again - supporting Oli and Jules in their quest to retain the People's Choice Award for best New Zealand IPA at the National Beer Festival with the results announced on Saturday night. We are chauffeured over the Crown Range on the 50 km trip by Diane, who refused to wear the peaked cap and address us as "Sir". Why??? I demanded from the back of the car on the way over. And Why??? I wailed from the boot of the car on the way back home later that night, before spending a lonely and cold, restless night in the dog's kennel.
Held in the Craft Beer Emprorium, Smiths, in the centre of town, we left Oli to meet other brewing experts and speak in the ancient tongues of Brewerics whilst we headed off to watch the first Lions vs ABs Test in an adjacent pub. Thankfully, we were kicked out of there after 40 minutes as a band was coming on; so we missed the shoeing the BILs received in the second half. Oops! (Again).
Heading back to Smiths, the frenzy of competition was reaching its height. The incumbent holders were sampling flights of other, clearly inferior brands with professional detachment and a big bowl of chips and BBQ chicken wings (apparently it helps cleanse the palate between tastings).
As the winning brewers would be judged on volume sales, Diane & I naturally felt duty-bound to buy a sample or two of the Ground Up special - "Sharks In The Water". Tension mounted at the votes were cast as thirsty punters sampled the delights of the 22 different IPAs on offer.
As a bit of a duffer myself, I enjoyed some beers, disliked others and found some to be more of an acquired taste. But all were lovingly made and a world away from the bland offerings the big brewing giants roll out. Good on every competitor!
Unfortunately, the boys were beaten into second place for this year: but only by a single pint! If only we'd had one more...
Goodwill and hearty congratulations were administered all round and everyone had a jolly good time, well after several pints of 6-10% ABV beer, no wonder we were all happy. A great night and a hugely enjoyable experience.
Queenstown also offered us The Skyline Tour, a cable car gondola which whisks you up the mountain for stunning views and also to the luge track which is quite honestly, a right laugh. Think box-cart racing in a vaguely controlled manner but the ability to tip the luge almost over on its side and to descend at speeds quick enough to take off over the bumps. Fun fun fun! Oh, and the opportunity to wear ridiculously silly helmets...
Silly lids being the first two pics, please exclude in that the author's slightly off-centre bouffant beanie in the final shot.
....and after Diane reached the heady vertical limit of 200m she was keen to try out this skiing lark at Cardrona Alpine Resort, not far from us in Wanaka. Although the season hasn't really got going yet, it was a great opportunity for a first-timer to get some lessons before the crowds arrive. She enjoyed the whole ski experience and progressed very well, only to be taken out (from behind - ouch) by a kamikaze out-of-controller. Who didn't even stop to apologise. Are we in Europe??
G very pos about new skis and booties (should that be a great name for an album?) and the fact that nobody else was there. He blasted up and down the main slopes until high winds sadly caused the early closure of the lifts. Anyway, with further dustings of snow and effective snow-making machines conditions are pretty good, so we're going back again - tomorrow!
Now, what with all the excitement of the outdoor pursuits, we need something to calm ourselves down of an evening. Whilst I read my Kindle, Diane has taken up knitting (though primarily I believe it's because The Big Yarn, as the knitting circle is called takes place at a local bar). The recent meet had more than 70 attendees wide a wide range of ages and abilities. Diane as a relative beginner has chosen to make a stylish, but not too-challenging scarf, but found herself a little lost on the knit three, purl three pattern and dropped a number of stitches (oh! the trials of extreme sports...)
So the other morning Diane takes advantage of the world-renowned Wool Expo being held at the Wanaka Centre to doorstep a lovely lady there to advertise her wonderful creations she sells down in Clyde, and with a heart-wrenching cri du coeur, basically gets her to sort it out.
The sheep were also a bit nervous about what was happening, too.
And for all those who love a bit of ovine action....here's some fleecy naughties.
Otis doing really really well and continuing to feed, grow and become a right boy, Boyes. He's a keen music buff and though he enjoys a Bach Concerto for two violins in D minor, his real passions are an 80s post-punk new wave style allied to Ben Howard's thoughtful stanzas.
And as I always leave you with one of those amazing sunrises / sunsets, check out this! Apologies to those of you if you can't access this . It's on Instagram.